Hot Mining Answers Or Video Code For All Task

Hot Mining Answers Or Video Code For All Task

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Since these are the most trending things now on various telegram mining projects, Hot Mining Video Code is what most people have also been searching for which is why we come up with answers for it.

Hot mining code or video code answer is what you will get on this page.

Likewise, you will learn more about hot mining and how to complete the missions. Watching a video is also part of the task.

Hamster Kombat comes with a strategy to allow people to watch videos and earn some of their coins.

One of the top telegram mining tap2earn games on telegram tap swap also comes with such a strategy.

That will allow people to watch videos and in the mode of watching various videos as missions or tasks.

You will need to provide some code to verify that you complete the video-watching tasks.

The hot mining version is now also here with almost three tasks as at when we write about the project with their video mission.

About Hot Mining Video Code And Mission

The Hot mining video mission can be completed with the video code for each task.

And the mission is called Explore Crypto with sub heading watch educational videos about crypto and earn hot.

So they are educational videos you need to watch and provide any code for any task all can be done on the hot mining telegram mini game.

Or just on your near wallet, a Hot wallet that you can use to mine more hots.

So If you don’t still know how to locate the mission to complete it we will still show you how to get that done.

Using the step-by-step method, you will find it on your Hot Wallet embed on Telegram which is a telegram app designed as Hot Wallet.

How To Locate The Video Mission On Hot Mining

Follow this few steps below

  • Goto your telegram account.
  • Locate the bot section and find the Hot Wallet.
  • Click on Launch to launch the Hot Wallet mini app.
  • After you get to the hot wallet dashboard.
  • Look for the storage tab and click on it.
  • That’s the hot mining section.
  • Look below to find some menus.
  • Select a mission then you will be provided with a different mission.

The video mission tag Explore Crypto is the video mission that you will need to complete with the video codes.

The video codes and answers for the task are provided below.

Hot Mining Video Codes And Answer For All Tasks

As we forgot to mention earlier this is strictly for people who are mining hot only where they can use the steps to locate the mission above and get the codes or answers as stated below.

  • Task or Video 1
    What is Blockchain?
    Answer or Video Code 1 = SMART CONTRACTS
  • Task or Video 2
    Four Types Of Blockchain Explained.
    Answer or Code = TRY ISLAND HOPPING
  • Video or Task 3
    Crypto Tokens Explained
    Code or Answer = EXPLORE AND LEARN

Hot Mining Video Codes And Answer For All Tasks
That’s the code that has been provided for all tasks or videos so far. Go make use of them to complete your task.

If you have not joined hot mining yet you can also learn how to join below it straightforward.

But remember if there is some added task for a video task that will need you to provide answers or codes.

We will keep updating this page with the latest codes for various tasks.

Let’s get to the bottom Line.

How to Join Hot Mining Using Hot Wallet Mini App

  • Download Telegram and open an account.
  • After that, click here to head straight to the hot wallet bot.
  • Then click on /app, and a button will be provided to open the wallet.
  • Click on it, and a hot wallet will be created automatically for you.
  • Scroll up a little and you will see the mining section.
  • Click on it and start the mining of Hot.
  • Every 4 hours you will need to go back and claim your mined hot.
  • That will restart the mining or miner for you to keep mining hot.

Approximately you can earn up to 0.04 or more per 4 hours of mining and others.

Apart from starting mining on hot, you also have a hot wallet which you will need to back your seed phrase, near private keys and Solana private key.

They are keys that you can use to access your hot wallet anytime and it’s to be safeguarded by you only.

It should not be shared with anybody who would also like to show you how you can see, copy, and save it somewhere safe.

How To Locate Hot Wallet Seed Phrase And Near & Solana Private Key

  • Goto your hot wallet still on the telegram mini-game.
  • Open the Hot Wallet.
  • On your dashboard look above the right corner.
  • Look at the icon that looks like settings.
  • Click on the icon then you will see different options.
  • Select the seed phrase option from the list.
  • Then you will see an option or the list of all seed phrases and keys.
  • Copy them and keep it somewhere safe.

Other Missions Present On The Hot Wallet Mining

Apart from the video mission task that will earn you 0.1 hot per task, there are some other missions still on the mission list.

Per mission or task, you will see the amount of hot that you can earn so far.

Some of the missions or tasks we are referring to include

  • Gas Free Mission
  • Solana task
  • Base Task
  • BNB mission
  • Hot wallet task and more.

All these missions are stipulated to provide you with some amount of Hot once you get them completed.

Hope you find what you are looking for on this page, if so let us know if you need any other thing below in the comments section.